Workplace Massage/On-Site Business & Events

Workplace Massage/On-Site Business & Events

A’Tep provides trained office/onsite massage (workplace massage) therapists to give benefits to office employees in international schools, law firms, banks, high–tech companies, and more.

Our therapists will deliver maximum stress and muscle-relieving massage from our compact ergonomic massage chairs.

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Our top clients such as Baker & Mckenzie, The British International School, Jio Health, UOB, Asia Counsel, European International School, WeWork, Perfetti Van Melle, and more. We know when staff feels happy and appreciated at work there are huge benefits to the business:
Increased Productivity      Lower Staff Turnover      Higher Levels of Employee Engagement
Reduced Sickness Absence      Improved Emotional Wellbeing      Boost to staff morale
75% of employees are more likely to stay with their employer because of their benefits package.
6 in 10 staff said they were more motivated by recognition from their employer than by money.
56% of employers said they would like to do more to improve staff wellbeing in the workplace.

Workplace massage helps creates a healthy atmosphere

💠Convenient within 10-30 minutes per session during breaktime.

💠Helps you to soothe anxiety and lowers blood pressure caused by hardworking.

💠Decrease 10% staff absence and turnover rate, increase 10% concentrate on working.

💠Helps relieve RSI – repetitive strain injuries including Carpal tunnel syndrome.

💠Relieves all the muscle tension from occupational posture.

💠Boosts immunity. Massage help spreading out white blood cells, helps the body to protect itself from illness and disease.

💠Boost brain power! A stimulating afternoon head massage will help bring back your power.

💠Helps decrease tension headaches and migraines. Working specific on the neck and shoulder muscles to release the tension caused by desk-based and device posture.

Customer Journey Maps is designed to give an overview of the entire Workplace Massage/On-Site Business & Events process, show how you identify your own goal of Well-being activity in the company, business, or group.